
Agrovet Market Animal Health commitment to innovation is reflected in its mission to provide unique solutions to the needs of practicing veterinarians, animal health professionals, farmers, breeders and pet owners. Scientific, clinical and field research is a constant commitment, becoming a crucial part of the DNA of our company.

Research work


Tylo-Combisone in vitro.


Proxifen® 23 L.A.

Efficacy and tolerance evaluation of an Injectable Solution based on antibiotic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (Proxifen ® 23 LA) for treatment of various infections in alpacas in the Central Sierra.


Hematofos B12®

Tolerance and Efficiency Evaluation of an injectable combination on the base of Sodium Cacodylate 30 mg/mL, sodium glycerophosphate 10 mg/mL, Vitamins and Minerals (Hematofos B12) intramuscularly and subcutaneously administrated in Alpacas.


Bovimec® Etiqueta Azul 3.15%

Formulation tolerance and anti-nematodic efficacy evaluation based on Ivermectin 3.15% long-acting ( Bovimec ® Blue Label 3.15 %) in alpacas .